Wednesday, December 28, 2011

WTF is up with the Pro Bowl?

OK. So my gears have been grinding like Peter Griffin watching a Lindsay Lohan marathon about these votes. The coaches and players get to vote, as they should. However, the fans vote ACTUALLY counts? These fans don't know crap!!! They watch their team and buy whatever jersey because they score touchdowns or whatever, but the "basic football fan" shouldn't even deserve a ballot, let alone a vote that counts. Eight 49ers. Eight Patriots. And Brandon Marshall?? WTF!? Brandon Marshall is a joke. He lead the NFL in dropped passes for almost 2 straight seasons(only Roddy White has more drops in 2011), and he gets voted in? That's just one case!!

I'm from South Florida AND a Miami Hurricane fan, but even I wouldn't put Vince Wilfork in there. The Patriots can't stop the run, can't stop the pass, and need 40+ pts to win the game. NOT ONE DEFENSIVE PLAYER FROM THE PATS SHOULD GET TO THE PRO BOWL. They are ranked 30TH in team defense. 30th in Pass defense. And a whopping high 26th in run defense. This deserves a HUGE WTF!!!?? And that is just the start of these Pro Bowl conundrums...

Staying with defensive tackles, Suh didn't get in. And my guess is that the players and coaches felt he should learn a lesson and control his rage, and once he does that, he'll be a unanimous decision EVERY YEAR. But, having said that... Jay Ratliff? WHERE'S DARNELL DOCKETT? Jay Ratliff made 4 plays this year. You can count em! 4! Ridiculous... this is proff the fans vote counts TOO MUCH. And it shouldn't. This Pro Bowl voting debacle leads me to this conclusion and to this thought process. Shoot the fans. No I'm kidding. But seriously...stop letting them vote. The same people's vote that counts, are the same mindless sheep that vote for countless rejects and retards on American Idol and X-Factor. They should have NO VOICE. And I'll just leave it at this faux letter i wrote to the Commissioner....
       Mr Goodell,
          You wonder why no one watches the Pro Bowl anymore. You wonder why EVERYONE in the NFLPA and media hate you. It is because you think you know what is best instead of listening to the real fans. For that, your entire body of work in the last 2 years at least, deserves a big giant WHAT THE F$*%.
    Everyone who watches football on Earth.

First in A While

OK, so I was slacking. I was busy doing nothing and stopped writing but I feel it's time I make my triumphant return to the blog. Sorry to the readers who missed it (literally no one reads this) but I'm back!