Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Than "U" Would Like to Know

This whole Miami scandal stinks to high heaven but there are blistering questions we would like to know. Well, I have done some investigative reporting and have found some interesting facts......MIAMI IS FUCKED!!!! When the investigations are done and the "findings" from the NCAA are announced, they will reveal some major punishments. I whole heartedly feel that the president, some AD's, and high authoritative figures, not only knew about players receiving benefits, but definitely had their hand in the cookie jar. So in the fashion that I try to keep this true to form on our lovely blog site, we need to break down this fiasco and say what's on our mind:

FIRST THINGS FIRST: "Hey Nevin Shapiro! WTF?!" That is the team that you have claimed to have spent sooooo much money on. Why would you ever snitch on them? That is crazy! To think they let you, a creepy late 30's early 40's man who is 5' 5'' hang out with college athletes, have front row seats, and even talk to people at a University that you DIDN'T GO TO. The least you could have done was buy the kids some hookers. Now moving on to the next WTF moment in this whole scandal. Nevin, ole buddy ole pal....YOU STOLE $930 million FROM INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! Your stepdad was a crook and stole $6 million from Canadians in 1997 and served 6 years in Canadian prisons. You also beat up a referee in a flag football game when you were in school at USF. Shows your temper and "judgement". You are just an overall bad person. You are 2 feet taller than a yard stick and have to go to prison for a while...the last guys I would piss off if I were you, are players from "The U". I mean, heck, some of them are probably in prison with you. Not a good look kid. The last bit of this is that this is not all one sided. Yes Nevin deserves a bunch of WTFs for being a snitch and a thief and just a scumbag, but I think the University of Miami should be ashamed of themselves. How is it that Michigan, Florida, and Notre Dame and all these other schools can manage to keep their integrity and you guys can't? I mean, who let's hooker/abortion stories get out??? You need to look at the "great" programs because this stuff definitely happens...they just know how to cover their tracks better. So to the University of Miami and Nevin Shapiro, you both have some questions to answer over the next months....lets start with the obvious. What the fuck?!

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